Thursday, April 29, 2010

Happy Poem in Your Pocket Day!

April 29th is Poem in Your Pocket Day. To celebrate, I participated in the "Envelope Project", where you take the first line of a famous poem and use it as a springboard to write your own poem. This year, the first lines were all taken from Emily Dickinson's work.

I chose "The Murmur of a bee." You can see the sentence in it's original context here. My poem is below.

The Murmur of a Bee

The murmur of a bee
as he talks to the flower,
he softly strokes her petaled face
before the coming shower.

Then, damp and dewy, he flies home
buzzing loudly in his haste,
with her pollen on his mind
her memory, his to taste.

[Update: This poem was honored by Poem in Your Pocket Day NYC as an "outstanding poem."]

Photo credit: Christine, via flickr // CC BY 2.0

Thursday, April 15, 2010


party pink flowers
stark against naked branches
silky leaves asleep

Photo credit: Dendroica cerulea, via flickr // CC BY 2.0

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Here, I find solace:
the center of the poem
eye of my maelstrom

Photo credit: Kim Strømstad, via flickr // CC BY 2.0

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

laden with blossoms
trees dressed in their Sunday best
Easter corsages

Photo credit: terren in Virginia, via flickr // CC BY 2.0